Post-Procedure Guide

It doesn’t matter which procedure you’ve had – taking it easy and ensuring that you follow your aftercare instructions are vital to your recovery. Your surgeon will give you specific advice on what to do and what to avoid after your procedure. Here are some steps that you can take to ensure that you enjoy a peaceful recovery and get the most out of your results.

Post-Procedure Guide

It doesn’t matter which procedure you’ve had – taking it easy and ensuring that you follow your aftercare instructions are vital to your recovery. Your surgeon will give you specific advice on what to do and what to avoid after your procedure. Here are some steps that you can take to ensure that you enjoy a peaceful recovery and get the most out of your results.

Continuing your journey

After Surgery

Follow your aftercare instructions

We'll provide comprehensive guidance for post-procedure care. It's vital to follow these recommendations during your recovery to ensure optimal healing and minimise complications.

Fuel your body with the right things

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet and drinking plenty of water is so important to your recovery. Try to incorporate fruit, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains into your post-op diet to aid your healing.

Keep the area clean

If you have an incision from your surgery, you’ll need to follow the wound care instructions that we give you. Keeping the incision site clean and dry helps to reduce the risk of infection and scarring.

Get plenty of rest

This is important after any procedure. Giving your body time to heal by resting can help aid your recovery. You should stay mobile with gentle walks and exercise when you feel able to. You’ll need to avoid lifting heavy objects and going to they gym until your surgeon gives you the green light to do so.

Gradually get back to your routine

After undergoing any surgical procedure, it's crucial to give your body ample time to recover. Rest is essential, but you should also aim to stay lightly active with gentle walks or low-impact exercises when you feel up to it. Refrain from lifting heavy items or engaging in strenuous gym workouts until surgeon gives you the green light.

Make yourself more comfortable

Discomfort and a little pain post-surgery is normal, but there are things you can do to help this. You can take appropriate pain medication as prescribed, and wear your compression garments (if necessary) to help control swelling. If you feel that you’re in more pain than you should be, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol

Smoking can adversely harm your recovery and elevate the risk of complications, so it’s vitally important that you quit or at least pause for 2 weeks after your procedure. Alcohol can also harm your recovery too, potentially interfering with your medication.

Wear your compression garments

If you’ve been advised to wear compression garments following your surgery, it’s important that you do so. Compression garments not only help protect the area, but can control and reduce swelling and minimise the risk of scarring.

Keep an eye out for infections

Make sure to check your wounds for any signs of infection – these might include redness, swelling, warmth or fluid drainage. If you have a fever, severe pain or any other unexpected symptom, be sure to seek medical attention quickly.

Any Questions?

We’re here to support you and keep you informed at every stage of your surgery journey, so please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions or share any concerns with us. Every procedure is different, and so we’ll give you bespoke advice based on the exact details of your surgery. This will help you prepare properly to ensure a successful surgery and a seamless recovery.

Any Questions?

We’re here to support you and keep you informed at every stage of your surgery journey, so please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions or share any concerns with us. Every procedure is different, and so we’ll give you bespoke advice based on the exact details of your surgery. This will help you prepare properly to ensure a successful surgery and a seamless recovery.

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